Comments containing the following are not allowed: threats, libel, impersonations that misrepresent the views of others, invasions of privacy, unintelligible garbage.
Abuse of other commenters is allowed but is discouraged, particularly when the target did not start or otherwise provoke the abuse. Abuse should not be directed at or refer to anyone's race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
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Do you have any intention of ever applying your claimed standards to your own blog? If so, when will this policy begin?
I see that you are not even going by your new claimed standards. You are censoring everything for which you have no answer. This has largely limited the debate to your sock puppets. Isn't it time to disband this one-man "association"?
Observers should be aware that Larry has stated he will also now be censoring things he thinks aren't true.
Wrong, dunghill -- I will only be censoring things that I know aren't true.
Hahahhahahhaa! My mistake! Sorry about that! Hahaha!
I would like to report Larry Farfaman for his blog "I'm From Missouri," which should be kicked out of the ANCB. In a recent post, he has begun to implement a new set of arbitrary rules he has created, and has deemed that people who don't avoid them will have their posts censored.
I quote:
"(1) Do not misrepresent objective facts. For example, if a newspaper reported that Judge Jones said that the school board election results would not affect his decision, don't say that he told the newspaper that he was going to follow the law.
(2) Avoid ad hominem attacks, e.g., saying that the attorney who advised the board to repeal the ID policy was just a "real estate lawyer." The questions here are just general legal questions and specialized knowledge is neither required nor applicable.
(3) Don't just say that someone is wrong without saying why.
(4) Don't beg the question, e.g., saying that Judge Jones could not dismiss the case because he could not dismiss the case."
Clearly, this is in direct violation of his stated policy, which says that only "Comments containing the following are not allowed: threats, libel, impersonations that misrepresent the views of others, invasions of privacy, unintelligible garbage."
Larry has completely fallen off the edge. He is now redefining things as "personal gossip" that don't refer to him, or anything about him.
For the final irony, he then quotes material that allegedly comes from the arbitrarily censored material.
So far there is not a single practicing member of the Association of Non-Censoring Bloggers.
I am not at all surprised.
>>>>>> He is now redefining things as "personal gossip" that don't refer to him, or anything about him. <<<<<<
You lousy dunghill -- personal gossip is not the only reason why I censor comments. I also censor them for the following reasons:
(1) Lying about objective facts.
(2) Saying I am wrong without saying why.
> Abuse of other commenters is allowed but is discouraged, particularly when the target did not start or otherwise provoke the abuse <
The following is discouraged by blog rules:
> You lousy dunghill <
> I also censor them for the following reasons:
(1) Lying about objective facts. <
You have lied about objective facts on your own blog. Cases where you have claimed that others have lied are usually truths with which you disagree.
> (2) Saying I am wrong without saying why. <
Usually they have said why, but you don't understand or disagree with the reasons and therefore you claim that the reasons haven't been given.
Larry has now censored all comments even mentioning me on his I'm From Missouri Blog. He has been moderating all comments.
Even he must be feeling hypocritical now. I expect this post to disappear shortly after it is posted yet he still takes himself seriously.
I see that a lot of the ignorant, mindless trolls who attack Larry's blog have shown up here. Their chant is:
Phae, fi, fo, phum!
Our thinking's clueless, cracked, and dumb!
Nada, Noda, Martian Chum,
We kiss our guru, PZ's, bum!
Well, as the original blog post says that 'unintelligible garbage' is not allowed on I'm From Missouri, if Larry applies those standards here, this means the above post, by Jim Sherwood, should be deleted. Of course, as he doesn't actually apply those standards on I'm From Missouri, I don't really expect him to here, either, but I thought the point should be made, anyway.
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